Every email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed.
How Barcadia Media protects you from receiving spam
Basic rules
All emails sent using our services, which are sent on behalf of our customers, must be business email addresses or "opt-in" communications. "Opt-In" means that recipients must at one time have supplied their email address to receive email communications and/or have a pre-existing relationship with our customer.
Opt-in subscription methods must be used at all times, such as online subscription forms or printed "opt-in" indicators unless the email has been sent to a business address in which case the regulations do not cover electronic mail marketing.
Opt-out requests must be honoured without exception.
Customers who supply email lists to Barcadia Media Limited must agree to these terms and may be required to show proof of the nature of their list.
Opt-out tools
Automatic Unsubscribe Link - Every email sent will provide recipients with an easy to find and follow method to unsubscribe from the email list. This will allow the recipient to instantly remove their email address from the customer's database by submitting their email address. This will prevent any further correspondence from the customer.
Recipients must be given the option to choose the email address that the communication was sent to and not received by.
Barcadia Media Limited is a member of the Microsoft JMR Partner Program to help reduce unwanted emails and is also registered with the Information Commissioners Office.
Barcadia Media Limited takes its responsibility extremely seriously. Sometimes a recipient will receive an email and assume it to be UCE.
We ask recipients to first be sure that they have not subscribed to the newsletter and/or that the addresses the email has been sent to is not a business address or may have been submitted to an online directory. If they are sure that the email is unsolicited then they should file an abuse report, an email should be sent to [email protected].