Newly launched specialist buy to let lender ModaMortgages is offering brokers the chance to win £250 of vouchers as an incentive for registering with them.
The lender, which is dedicated to making buy to let smarter, faster and simpler for brokers and landlords, will present £250 worth of John Lewis vouchers to each of five lucky winners who register before 28 February 2025.
All brokers need to do to be in with a chance of winning is to visit www.modamortgages.co.uk/intermediaries, access the broker portal and register with ModaMortgages.
ModaMortgages has been created by UK-based digital bank Chetwood Bank and will lend to small or large portfolio, limited company, individual, first-time buyers and first-time landlords.
Brokers placing a case with them will benefit from competitive products, clear up front criteria, quick decisions and a 100% online application, backed up by a dedicated, straight-talking support team.
Darrell Walker, ModaMortgages’ director of sales and distribution, said: “We’re really excited to launch ModaMortgages to market and this prize draw is a great way for brokers to find out more about our exciting new buy to let proposition.
“I’d encourage brokers to register, give us a try and experience our smarter, faster and simpler approach to buy to let.”